Abstract Sea
Abstract Sea: One of the four in a series of abstract drawings by JAG. Here we have a large shark-like fish in the middle of the drawing. All around it are lines of energy running through the purple sea and into the blue sky. As with the other abstract Jag drawings the implication that energy flows through all things in and out of nature and the lines in the drawing emanate this feeling. This is not the first 'sea scape' by Jag. God's view is probably the most complex 'sea scape' by Jag which you can see by clicking the link below or in the Fantasy Landscapes section of this site. Although this is also a landscape, it is in a very abstract form, unlike Jag's other work which is a combination of abstract and surreal art. Whatever you see from this work, we hope you enjoy it. Both the original and prints of this work will be for sale soon both here on this site, and on the Saatchi online site.
To leave abstract sea and go to God's view by JAG click here